Title: Black Dhoti-Style Skirt and Sequined Top Set
- This chic black ensemble combines a modern dhoti-style skirt with a shimmering sequined top, creating a fusion of tradition and contemporary fashion.
- Perfect for festive events or evening parties, the unique silhouette offers a stylish twist on the classic lehenga, while the sequined top adds a touch of glamour.
- Paired with a sequined top, this set sparkles with glamour and flair.
- The sequins, often arranged in intricate patterns, create a striking contrast against the black skirt, ensuring the outfit catches the light beautifully.
- The top may feature various styles, from fitted to more relaxed cuts, allowing for versatility in how the ensemble can be worn.
Key Components:
Style: Indowestern
Fabric:Gorget and Crape
Color: Black
Work: Embroidery